Awakening a Keen Observer

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Before the End of the Game

There are some challenging Football Games on today. My Ohio State team is playing Michigan. I can't begin to tell you how many memories of this game I have. Many... My Daddy even went to the OSU/Michgan game in 1950 when there was so much snow in columbus that few people could get there. He walked about 6 miles to get to the game! Oh that would have been fun!

And it is Alabama Alburn big game day too.
We Americans put a lot of energy into rooting for our favorite teams. I am in Oklahoma the game is in Michigan but you'd think some times the first half that the team could hear me cheer.
We think that things have to be as we want them to be and they should be as we expect them to be. We think this is THE way for the world to turn. Well this isn't even the way the world plays 'football' which translates for us soccer And there are amazing fans there.

But in the big scheme of things the money that is transferred for this kind of game is amazing. I heard one team made $500,000 for playing a team way over their heads. Way to assure a win on homecoming.
How can this be right or true? With nutrition programs for the elderly being cut ... with people needing basic help with
food or housing. With thousands in some places in jeopardy of the cold with their homes being crushed in quakes. All kinds of things are amazing. What we 'deserve'. Just because we were born where we were born.
We didn't earn this.. How we use what we have means everything in the heart of God.
When did I see you hungry ....? Oh yes...There is that least of these ...You did it for me...

God Abides
Bobbie Giltz McGarey


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