Awakening a Keen Observer

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Tuesday II

John and I both woke early this morning and were in the living room drinnking our coffee and tea and had the news on the tv. My goodness, how I really didn't want to hear anything about the horrible troubles people have with death and violence, with the depression and chaos and the hope lost here and there.
In the middle of this we were talking about concerns we had for people and what we could do to help. In our talking we were praying about their troubles, and how we in the midst of them, can be helpful.

I came home after exercise to finish up the report to a Chamber of Commerce thursday and turned on the tv on the side and saw the announcement that the Cahtolic church has elected a Pope. Benedict. All I know about Benedict is the rule...
So is that what we will see in teh church, prayer, isolation? what will theis benedict look like.

May God bring you peace an dmay chaos disappear and be filled with a clear bule sky understanding of the world and the world's love for you.

God abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey


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