Awakening a Keen Observer

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Time again flies


We've chatted before about how time flies. In a state like Oklahoma with the Seasons mixed up, warm today cold tomorrow and warm again, sometimes we can even loose track of what time of year it is. We know Spring is coming because the days are getting longer, and even with the wind it is warm in the afternoon, and it just has that 'feel' about it.
We will learn to enjoy the time when we are willing to be present to the present. When we are willing to put aside the next few hours and concentrate on the minute we have just now...that breath...that thought..that time to be doing or not doing...just now.

Many of us know all to well how those moments can seem like everything when they are filled with a loved one. How those moments matter in our memory because we have them etched on our hearts. Those moments when parents were young and we were little. When our children were young and so were we. When our Grandparents taught us something wonderful and we knew they were the smartest people we would ever meet.

Etched on our hearts are painful times too. Goodbye's that were longer than we ever expected. Children being hurt and not being able to help. Parents changing and growing older. A relationship gone with siblings or friends. These too are part of who we are.

Time flies and we remember some of the good things, and some of the others. We remember most of all that we have an opportunity to make something good today. To etch on the heart of someone we meet the knowledge that they are valued children of God. Each of us doing this in our own way could change the very world we live in. It could remove power from those who hold it over others because true personal freedom comes from within. Whatever we do let it be for the Good.
May you be blessed, and may you be a blessing.

God abide
There's work to be done!

Bobbie Giltz McGarey


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