Awakening a Keen Observer

Monday, February 18, 2008


Grace and Peace
I ordered some things on the Internet and got a 'tracking' number to figure out when the package would be delivered. With UPS or DHL or other kinds of post you can follow a package as it is scanned in wherever it lands and then when it takes off again by plane or truck. One package has been through four states and is scheduled for delivery today.

And I started to think...
We leave marks where we have been. Not because we are scanned with a bar-code (though it has been suggested we all have that in our bodies to identify us) (no seriously they proposed that in Utah so that you wouldn't have to show your drivers license you could just scan your hand) (really but it was defeated).
I believe however we do leave a mark that we have been in different places. Looking someone in the eye as they serve you or a hand on the shoulder or making the phone call that affirms another's life or being or writing a letter...all these things make a mark on the world. It tracks us. No--now--I'm not saying we get graded on this like God is Santa who knows when you've been bad or good--- But rather the goodness and kindness rating of the world goes up. There is a larger measure of joy in the world. We may not know why but we may just sense it.
We sense when there is sadness. When there is famine, or disease, or meanness that is afoot. We sense when there is gossip or slander or ill will near us. Why would we not also sense joy?
But then, perhaps we find what we are looking for in the world. Surely the measure of what we find may be a measure of what we seek. Looking for mercy and goodness may cause us to see that in fuller measure. Really. Let's try. Let's change what we look for from things that frighten us to things that bring us joy and peace. Let's look for those kindnesses that can increase the JOY meter in the world and let's add to them ourselves. Wait..I think I feel it...

Oh I hear a delivery truck in the driveway. Could it be?

God abides
Bobbie Giltz McGarey


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