Awakening a Keen Observer

Monday, April 09, 2007

Stories and Books

I was talking to someone about my favorite book. Oh that's really not possible to limit it to one... and there are novels that have their own purpose for me and I read them at different times.

Yes, I will re-read a book that is good. I read two every year. Siddhartha by Hermon Hesse and Franny and Zooey by JD Salinger. These books are friends to me.

I also like the book about my Mother in law that Analea McGarey wrote, Born to Heal. It reminds me of my family roots.

I re-read Siddhartah for it's reminders about what enlightenment and peace are all about. It is a story that I found first in High School. It is now considered a classic as is Franny and Zooey.
It is the story of Buddha's enlightenment. This meant even more when I visited the place in India where that is to have taken place.

Franny and Zooey I re-read for the conversation between the brother and sister on the phone which takes up a good deal of the story. It reminds me of what I need to look for in the world... My 10th Grade English teacher was impressed I was reading Salinger and apparently from the book reports I understood his writing.
So many books little time.

Yes, they are really very similar stories. Each of them calls me back to other years when I've read them and also gives me encouragement for the present time.

Oh and of course there is Pride and Prejudice I read that that is for an entirely different reason it is good on a long flight.

Ok, here's my final Siddhartha story. In 9th grade Sandra gave me her copy of Siddhartha. I read it and loved it. She said i could keep it so I wrote my name on the first page. I read several times and then loaned it to a friend. It was never returned. It was a cover that they have re-issued now. I didn't know where it had gone.
Years later, when I was a Senior in College I was visiting a friend, Edd and we were talking about books. I looked on his bookshelf and said, Oh I had a copy of Siddhartah just like this one and pulled it off the shelf. My name was inside.
Where had this book been? Who had read it between me and him? I wished that everyone would have listed their name as they passed it on one to another. He gave it to me and said I should keep it. I've loaned it out a couple more times... and had it returned.

Do you have a book or two like that.. Share it with someone.

Good Abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey


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