Awakening a Keen Observer

Monday, November 15, 2004

early morning long day

Hello, I would have written yesterday but I left at 7am and got home at 10:30. I was only ready to sleep. It was a good and full day.

Good morning! "Blessings on all of you as you arise in the morning. Have strength. Hold on to what is good. Return to no one evil for evil." Rick Ufford-Chase His perspective on life are well written and eye-opening. He is the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church USA.

It is grey here this morning. We had rain most of the night. It wasn't hard just steady.
I am planning today as a Sabbath for myself. Quiet, reading, prayer, planning and wanting to find a little rest and center. It is what we are all to do every week. I mean remember even God rested...
And somehow we think we are better than God and don't need rest or renewal. We need rather just to keep going on and on and on.

Let's look together my friends at what God has planned for us in the coming days...
and then let's get some rest for the journey.
God abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey


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