The other day I read a headline that said there was an article-- 20 ways to tell if someone is lying. I didn't have time to read the article but felt that it probably had ideas in it that were familiar. Like watching eye contact, nervousness, glibness. all the things that let you feel that Gut feeling that someone isn't telling the truth. We pretend that if someone else doesn't see our miss-truth that somehow God won't know. But God does know.
The truth sounds different doesn't it. Sometimes we want to believe soneone so badly that we won't hear lies. Parents sometimes do this with their children. Because to know the children are lying about their actiivity but you really don't want to know .
Then there are times when Parents don't tell their children the truth. My dear Mom told us she was doing, 'just fine' when she really was not at all. Perhaps she wasn't lying so much as just tryingn somehow to cope with her life and this was the way she functioned.
Lying is one of the things that Jesus didn't ever do. He never lied about his work, his misison, his care and concern for others. He always contronted people with the truth. And when he did they were transformed. Sometimes the truth was wrapped in a parable and not seen by all. But Jesus saw. The woman at the well was just one example. When she heard the truth she began rejoicing and was the first evangelist.
But it is true that some people in the world lie.
And so what can we do?
Pray that the truth will out. That indeed all God's plan has power and energy to overcome things said that are lies. Pray that those who stretch the 'truth' understand that that being false will always be found out. Know that God always knows the truth.
and loves us still
God Abide
Bobbie McGarey