Awakening a Keen Observer

Saturday, July 31, 2010

wow what a summer

Even though this day started out in a most unexpected unplanned and sad manner, (our cat died), this afternoon had me remembering a moment in my life

It was a huge mountain valley meadow in Utah. There were high peaks on each side and the Presby women were there for the weekend. I was to lead communion and the closing service. Because of the sound factor and no place for them to sit outside I did the meditation inside and then we marched out singing...Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary...
I had gone to the field earlier and found two old logs and made a cross out of them on the ground.
The women came out with me, it seems about 50 or so and we made a circle around the cross. We talked about the circle, it 's meaning and how to leave room for others to join. I had prepared the elements in baskets. The cup was to be passed following the bread, Jesus Christ the Bread of Heaven, Jesus the cup of salvation. I asked that the women pray for each other as the bread and cup were passed. What i hadn't anticipated was that they would all pray for the woman who was intincting the bread. They waited, they looked at each woman and prayed for that which was her deepest need and prayer.
We took time. It was beautiful. There in the meadow we all lifted our prayer.
What time do we give our joys or our sads? Relish it all.

God abides
Bobbie Giltz McGarey

read today...CHANGE IS GOOD --- YOU GO FIRST

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Two kinds

We once saw a statement about individuals...Christians in this case. We think it was Martin Marty but it went something like this, "There are two kinds of Christians, mean and not mean."

It is an odd designation. One is either welcoming or not. One is either hospitable or not. One is either kind and compassionate or not. One is overtaken by power or not. In all of this there is an amazing truth here.

When there is power over someone or something then I am always suspicious of one's motivation. Jesus had power over evil. Jesus has power over evil. That is why when Christians behave in a harsh manner toward one another I am always taken-back. I am shocked and saddened. Because I know this happens. It has happened to me and to others that I love. It has happened to strangers.

Obviously these 'believers' didn't read the part in the scripture where Jesus says, "love one another". It's not an option it is a commandment.

Have you wonder then how do we ever come to be unkind to anyone? Not that we don't stand up against injustices and protect one another as we know that .
But when the injustice is one Christian to another I have little patience. I suppose you may wonder where this is coming from in my life....It is from the way that some Christians are behaving toward one another in India. I shall not go into detail as it might put some in peril.

(God, help us to love each other)~~MAASAI PRAYer

May we so live that others may know God's love for them.

God abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I have been listening to the audio reading of the Harry Potter books as I've done some sorting things. I love listening to stories.

When I was little my Daddy and I would listen each Saturday to a radio serial story. I have no memory about what it was about but I remember sitting and listening. I also grew up listening to story records. I think this is part of where my imagination was

Since I was an only child there were lots of times when I had to make up little stories and different ways to play by myself when there weren't any friends around. These things I remember as being great fun. I would play jacks or with marbles. I had dolls and stuffed animals. Books were there and other things for me to do.

So, as I listen to this reading, by Ron Dahl, I remember others reading to me...
and the sense of my imagination being encouraged again.

In the questions to those who are ordained in the Presbyterian Church--will you serve the people with.... imagination and love? Yes.

Imagine what is next and be pleased it is set out for us by God.

God abides
Bobbie G. McGarey

Added Video

The last Sunday I was the Interim Pastor in Lawton I had my son take a video recording. It was a special service for my farewell. We hadn't planned on using the video for anything but a memory but it is the only video I have right now.
The audio part is just fine. If you look on my profile-----> b
below the photo it says review complete profile.
There is a link that says Audio --click on that
and you will be linked to both audio and video .
It is actually posted on my facebook page but this is a far faster link.

God Abides

Bobbie Giltz McGarey

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dear David and Andrew, !

Grace and mercy be yours in fullest measure.

Well this week has been over full. I returned from Minneapolis and the Clergy Job Fair and General Assembly on Wednesday I met some wonderful people at the General Assembly gathering and continue to pray for open doors. We returned home to OKlahoma Saturday after finishing up some things in Ft. Worth.

I preached in a lovely congregation Sunday in a lovely little church, had a great BBQ after, met a real cowboy and had a great time hearing his stories. Got back to Duncan about 4pm.

Andrew R- I tried to catch up on the emails and found one from a friend in Utah telling me about her grandson being killed in an auto accident. He was 5. Andrew one of the twins. We had married the parents some years ago and baptized their first born 10 years ago just before we left Utah. What a tragedy. The Mom and Dad have been upheld by their faith and said they hold no grudge against the lady who hit her son as he had ridden his bike in front of her car. The funeral was this afternoon. God bless their minister and the church family.

David F - A year ago this week another friend lost a son to illness he was in his 20's. He was a delight to know and his life touched so many others. I feel for them in this time as it is never easy on anniversaries such as this.

God I believe holds both of these families in God's loving arms. As I believe God holds their beloved children. It is always out of 'order' when a child dies before the parents. I pray for these folks and the siblings of the two young boys(men).

The mother of the younger boy said to the newspaper...remember to hug your kids and tell them you love them all the time because you never know.

I think that admonition applies to everyone we know.
Remember all of you...
You are a beloved Child of God.

God abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey

Sunday, July 04, 2010

The 4th from my window

On a high floor in the Hilton Garden Inn in Minneapolis I have been watching some pretty impressive fire work displays. At one point I could see 4 different ones on the horizon. Quite cool. This year I missed the OOuuuuuuu Ahhhhhh factor when you are sharing the fire works with others. I spent the afternoon with a dear friend catching up after not having had a chance to visit in several years. It was refreshing and affirming and down right fun!

Do we all to often in our lives look out at the world from a 'window' that protects us from the 'others'? Do we all to often sit back and see how others are expressing their gifts and say good work without trying ourselves to use our own gifts?

Do you remember the old country song--"You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine there's a little light in all of us by God's design. You can't be a beacon if your light don't shine."

Perhaps one of the things in community we can do for one another relates to that light within. We can help others have their light shine if we take off the shade, turn on the lamp and plug into the power supply.
The shade would be those things that cover up the other person's light. Sometimes they might not even know they are covered. Sometimes they don't know that they have a light. Sometimes they are afraid that their light would not compare with others. Our job as community is to remove the shade.
Turn on the lamp. There are folks who don't try to light the world around them. They would rather stumble in the dark or cause others to stumble. But when the Light is turned on in us there isn't anything else we can do...but shine! Shine and illumine the world around them.
Plug into the power supply! I imagine you have guessed where I'm going with this don't you? I am talking about the source of the power, God's presence in our lives. God's love in our lives just waiting for us to plug into it and receive the charge that comes. God's lives in us and our job in community is to alert others to the ever present power of God.

Ok, well I'm going to think on this some. You chime in with the comment place at the end of this musing.

In the meantime

God abides
Oh thanks be to God

Bobbie Giltz McGarey