Awakening a Keen Observer

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Tell Me the Story

"Tell me the stories of Jesus--I love to hear---things I would ask him to tell me---if he were here!"

There are questions we have for Jesus aren't there? Why did that young mother in Walters die in the car accident with a tiny baby? Why do some little babies have troubles when they are born and need help from the doctors? Why do some people get caught in addictions of action or chemicals?

These are questions that we ask sometimes of one another and know that the only real answers come from God. These questions are ones that wake us at night and that we wrestle with in the day. And in part, I think, the world wants answers. And somehow we don't do the best job of answering them? We perhaps try and salve them, make it feel better, but it doesn't always bring healing.

These questions are ones that we need to be addressing for the world-- and I think we can best understand and answer when we study and share the Bible's stories and insights about God's presence in the world when we walk with Jesus. Unafraid. Fear left behind. Assurance of God's love in Jesus shown to us in so many wonderful ways. Let's look for those stories all around us and I believe we will find them.

Somehow God reaches into the chaos of the world and offers us peace--- though not always recieved by us. Because sometimes it seems easier to spin in the chaos than to accept the peace.

God's peace is all your heart.... your mind...your your heart!

God Abide



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