Awakening a Keen Observer

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Beautiful Sunset

I was driving home tonight and the sun went behind a cloud and kept it from shining straight in my eyes. It helped. Then later as I kept on I looked west and the sun had come out through the clouds making those surrounding the sun bright pink and blue. Then it set a second time.
It was beautiful.
I wished I could have stopped and watched it but the traffic kept me from getting to watch it set.

Don't you think that we should have time for sunsets? Time for things to settle out. To end the day. A friend of mine would have his class say goodnight to the day by tracing the horizon wherever they were and then do the same in the morning. Putting ourselves in the middle of the earth. Putting ourselves as a part of creation. Being part of the creation we live our lives more centered and joyful more grounded and alive.

Live your life tracing your place in the middle of the world.
This is where you are.
God has put you HERE.

God abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey


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