Global ritual
I've done a lot of study on ritual. I know how we human beings are seemingly naturally drawn to using action to mark time. And that marked time becomes more hallowed. As Presbyterians we claim some, but not an over abundance, or so we think, of ritual. But we do have words we say for particular action at particular time. We do have actions to mark special moments. Ritual makes a difference ---especially in transitions -- on how we move forward and heal and learn .
The US nation and I image others around the world have watched and thereby participated in the ritual of honoring a past president. We recognize prayers, we heard words spoken about him and to him and for his family and the nation. We heard cannon's fire, bells ring, and jets stream overhead. We heard hymns and songs to mark a presidental life. And we heard a widow whisper thank you to the minister who gave the final words.
Ritual drew the world together when Princess Diana died, and when Mother Teresa of Calcutta died the same week. Two women so very different. One blessed with riches and beauty and servants to care for her, and the other blessed with riches and beauty of heart and a Servant herself for God. One died with a palace of things left behind the other with two sweaters, one pair of sandles and her bible and rosery. Which one the richer? Easy question.
I think these kinds of global rituals with presidents and princesses and saints make us wonder, what if anything, people will say about us when we die? What good will remain in the world because we were here? Who did we touch or inspire or help or hurt...and is that all ok.
God wants from us not to live our lives so that we will also get to heaven. But God wants us to live our lives out of thankfulness for all God has already given us. What ritual will mark our passing? How will we help others think of our lives and say, "thanks be to God". Mark well the time.
As I say each week. Go in peace to love and serve Jesus.
God abide
Bobbie McGarey
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