wow what a summer
It was a huge mountain valley meadow in Utah. There were high peaks on each side and the Presby women were there for the weekend. I was to lead communion and the closing service. Because of the sound factor and no place for them to sit outside I did the meditation inside and then we marched out singing...Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary...
I had gone to the field earlier and found two old logs and made a cross out of them on the ground.
The women came out with me, it seems about 50 or so and we made a circle around the cross. We talked about the circle, it 's meaning and how to leave room for others to join. I had prepared the elements in baskets. The cup was to be passed following the bread, Jesus Christ the Bread of Heaven, Jesus the cup of salvation. I asked that the women pray for each other as the bread and cup were passed. What i hadn't anticipated was that they would all pray for the woman who was intincting the bread. They waited, they looked at each woman and prayed for that which was her deepest need and prayer.
We took time. It was beautiful. There in the meadow we all lifted our prayer.
What time do we give our joys or our sads? Relish it all.
God abides
Bobbie Giltz McGarey
read today...CHANGE IS GOOD --- YOU GO FIRST