A roof over our head
It was a beautiful fall day for Golf and my Daddy and I had gone out on the Scarlet Course at the Ohio State Golf Course. I was in high school. We finished the front nine and decided we could 'make it' finishing the back nine before the storm we could see in the far distance would catch up with us. We were mistaken. We got caught in one of the shelters at the farthest point from the clubhouse. It rained.
The shelters were square but the inside was divided into four parts pointing the four directions with a small bench at the back of them. In theory you could find one side that would be dry even if there was a wind. That was the theory but this day the wind kept shifting so by the time the storm passed we were soaked. But it did pass and we played in the last three holes. (the 17th being my favorite on both the Scarlet and Gray Courses) I went to my locker, showered and got some dry clothes, and then met my Dad downstairs for a little lunch.
It was a great day, not because we got wet, or because we played golf, or because the food tasted sooo good. It was a great day because we'd had this adventure together and we were ok.
But the rain had come. As we sat in the shelter we recalled other times we'd gotten caught in rain. Once we were in a duck blind on the lake behind the house we lived in one summer. It was not a great place to be but it was safer than walking on the catwalk across the pond or on the open field we had to cross. We were mostly dry in it.
What if you don't have a roof--or shelter? What if the rains coming are not met with such glee? What if you got wet, and then stay wet because there were not dry clothes in a locker or hot food in a clubhouse? What if you lived in a shelter built of boxes in Dafur or Dallas? Some people feel lucky because they can say they live under the bridge. It is a place that affords some shelter.
What if we didn't have warm blankets in the winter or coolers in the summer? What if we had to hope and pray that our families stayed healthy because there was NO healthcare anywhere for us and a cold or stomach upset could be life threatening?
But we live in warm, save, comfortable houses. We don't get soaked if it rains. We wait... or venture out with our raincoats or umbrellas or both.
Look up ...see the ceiling in the room you are in...see the roof there at the top, God lover is a banner over us in when the sky opens and the showers knock us down instaed of picking us up. We have roofs over our heads. Let us say Thanks Be to God.
Happy November
God abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey
The shelters were square but the inside was divided into four parts pointing the four directions with a small bench at the back of them. In theory you could find one side that would be dry even if there was a wind. That was the theory but this day the wind kept shifting so by the time the storm passed we were soaked. But it did pass and we played in the last three holes. (the 17th being my favorite on both the Scarlet and Gray Courses) I went to my locker, showered and got some dry clothes, and then met my Dad downstairs for a little lunch.
It was a great day, not because we got wet, or because we played golf, or because the food tasted sooo good. It was a great day because we'd had this adventure together and we were ok.
But the rain had come. As we sat in the shelter we recalled other times we'd gotten caught in rain. Once we were in a duck blind on the lake behind the house we lived in one summer. It was not a great place to be but it was safer than walking on the catwalk across the pond or on the open field we had to cross. We were mostly dry in it.
What if you don't have a roof--or shelter? What if the rains coming are not met with such glee? What if you got wet, and then stay wet because there were not dry clothes in a locker or hot food in a clubhouse? What if you lived in a shelter built of boxes in Dafur or Dallas? Some people feel lucky because they can say they live under the bridge. It is a place that affords some shelter.
What if we didn't have warm blankets in the winter or coolers in the summer? What if we had to hope and pray that our families stayed healthy because there was NO healthcare anywhere for us and a cold or stomach upset could be life threatening?
But we live in warm, save, comfortable houses. We don't get soaked if it rains. We wait... or venture out with our raincoats or umbrellas or both.
Look up ...see the ceiling in the room you are in...see the roof there at the top, God lover is a banner over us in when the sky opens and the showers knock us down instaed of picking us up. We have roofs over our heads. Let us say Thanks Be to God.
Happy November
God abide
Bobbie Giltz McGarey
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