Awakening a Keen Observer

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving eve

I remember clearly waiting at the window for my cousins to arrive.   Jan and Martha with their folks, Dot and Frank.   They would come from Chicago--or we would go there every year.   Sometimes we would encounter wintry weather.  I remember on more than one occasion that we three would pray for a big snow storm so we couldn't go home and we'd have another day together.   The roads were 2 lane and the speed limit 55 with lots of little towns.  It wasn't a quick drive.   

Waiting at home was almost as hard as being in the car riding.   Cars had big back seats to stretch out in.   I remember bringing my doll, saucy walker, with me with her little plaid suitcase.  Her name was Terry Lee.   Wait her name IS Terry Lee she sits just over there on my desk. 

But back to Thanksgiving together. Aunt Dot would bake pies..YUMBO my daddy, Maurice, would exclaim ...many times.  She had a gift with the crusts.  But even more she had a gift with love.  She and my mother, Betty, would do their sister cooking dance in the kitchen preparing the meal.  Inhale...smell the turkey...yup I do too. Creamy mashed potatoes...

My daddy and Frank were as close as brothers.  They would tinker with some project in the basement or garage.  Later I learned they mostly sat and talked and worked out the troubles of the day. 

Every night Jan and Martha and I would do our best to go to sleep. However the 
giggles-monster often got us in trouble.  The ultimate threat, "You girls be quiet and go to sleep OR WE WILL  SEPARATE YOU."   That meant one of us was sent to another room to sleep, a dreaded fate to be sure.  If they tried we'd cry and beg and beg for one more chance.  As an only child having someone to talk to at night was a pure delight. 

Thanksgiving Eve these memories all comes up...I am missing the parents, all gone now, and Martha and Jan scattered in the East...and the joyful waiting... And even more joyful reunion. 

God abides 
Bobbie Giltz McGarey

Saturday, November 23, 2013


  Analea McGarey was a real light in this world.  She was the older sister in the McGarey family.  Gladys and Bill always saw her as such.  Natural curly, Shirley Temple blond curls bounced when she ran as a child.  I've seen the family movies. 
   She gave us Gabriel her son, and her light continues to shine through him and his bride Sarah.  
And a little bit through the rest of us. 
   Analea had her hair cut short as she aged but she still bounced in life.  Passion was part of who she was --whole length of her life. 
   Younger than two of her brothers, older than three other siblings...she organized them all as a child.  
She inspired all of them along the way.   Her nieces and nephews loved her fiercely.  We all miss her. 
   The early morning Sunday before thanksgiving is when, in the arms of her mother, she breathed her last.  That light was gone.  
    The family gathered held her service that same Sunday night.  I was honored to officiate.  Three nieces read poetry and scripture. Everyone cried.   
   She had gathered her mother's stories and wrote the book, Born to Heal.   It remains as part of her gift from the world.   
   As a gifted massage therapist she brought healing to so so many levels.  Even in death she brought a healing for her parents, siblings, friends....
 So then friends it is our work to carry the light left behind by so many.  No doubt you all 

have someone in your life who has done that for you.  Take their light with you everyday and share it with a world that seeks healing. 
    Be the light for someone who follows you.  

Bobbie Giltz McGarey 