Awakening a Keen Observer

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Wins

Grace and peace to you. We had snow yesterday on the first day of Spring. I was wondering if I hadn't done the proper welcome spring ritual. However, today after church I came home to see the jonquils in my front yard and thought Spring WINS!

There are times when we need to know this will/is the case. Lent is the time when we drift back and forth between AshWednesday and Easter. We know that God's love wins over every force that might have tried to keep down the Good News of love though Jesus.

May this little flower for you be a reminder. God WINS!

God abides
Bobbie Giltz McGarey

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sunday's Passage

It is the last Sunday in Lent this week. I've been watching this video several times as it tells the story... copy and paste

I am really touched by the handshake between Jesus and Judas... what does that say or mean? What does that say in our world our cultures? What does that teach you? Whose hand do you need to grasp?

We have lovely temperatures and sunshine here today. Snow tomorrow. Ah that's life.

God abides
Bobbie Giltz McGarey

"God's servant in waiting"

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Many sunsets

Traveling home from Lawton to Duncan just at sunset
in my rear view mirror I watched
it set and rise several times
depending on the rolling of the road home.
Just when I thought I wouldn't see it again a came to a rise to see the arc of it still.
The pure orange huge sun melting into the side of the earth.
The pink of that side of the sky while I drove into the blue evening side.
Passing my favorite farm pond there stood in the diminished light the great blue heron
whose presence I've marked almost every day
Taking one more walk in the water.


God abides
bobbie giltz mcgarey

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Oh It looks like Spring

We've had a rather harsh winter here in southwestern Oklahoma. The snow, ice, and rain has been pretty significant. Now we move into Tornado just gets better and better.
We arrived here in 2000 and have grown to really love Oklahoma. (We missed the mountains of Utah when we first arrived on the plains.) The far horizon is amazing. What does dusk look like where you are? When we visited Bali and were almost on the equator we noticed that it was either dark or light. There didn't seem to be any dusk or dawn...12 hours each of day and night. It took us a few days to figure out why that seemed so different.
My Mother had friends who came to Florida and stayed on the beach in a beautiful hotel. She asked them one night how they liked watching the sunsets on the water? They said that it was too bad but it always happened while they watched the news. She was astounded that anything might distract folk from one of the best "shows" anywhere.
Live into awe in these coming weeks. Strive each day to find something that is exciting to your soul. Say yes to the coming of the long days and enjoy the dusk and dawn.
God abides
Bobbie Giltz McGarey

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Standing Ready

So how to do we learn to wait?
My cousin would say to her children when they were pestering her about anything....just wait... just wait... and they would. She would say it in a gentle low tone.
Just wait I think some times those are the very words we need to hear. Those are the very words we need to trust.
"Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, wait." Psalm 27

and breathe.
Take in that breath that evades us when we are wired or stressed. Wait... and take in that gentle relaxing oxygen that powers our red blood cells. Wait. Breathe in... breathe out.

I think I have written this as a message for me... perhaps it works for you as well.

God abides
bobbie giltz mcgarey