Awakening a Keen Observer

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Saturday Morning

I woke to a commentary by Mary McClure on KAMU radio in Lawton. I love her words and usually hear them on Sunday morning on my way to church at 8:35. She is a keen observer of life. The story today was about bank robbers gone wrong. Always funny to hear how people think they can always outsmart officials and then do things like leave a trail of bills falling out their pocket as they leave the bank ...only to find they've locked the keys in their get-away car.
Sometime we are like that it seems. We think that what we do in the world isn't important because, well who notices. Now I am not going to start talking about how "God-knows" everything....we hear too much of that laid on us like Santa is watching and if we aren't good we won't get reward. I AM talking about how we all to often think that what we do doesn't matter to the rest of the world but it does... because we can do things for Good...and good will be sent out into the world. Little things count. Everything counts and when our actions count for good we make ready for the Kin-dom of God to come. For that time and place where we are all kin---related to one another and to God as we always are. Where we live in a just and perfect world.
Nope -not there yet. We live in a world where there are to many "others" ... but that is a thought for another day.
Remember ..You have the power of LOVE to share with the world. Ok...have a great day.

God abides ---and I thank God
Bobbie McGarey


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